Friday, November 11, 2011

Tongue Twister? Just Shout It!! :D

A bitter biting bittern bit a better biting bittern
And the better biting bittern bit the bitter biting bittern back.
Said the bitter biting bittern to the better biting bittern
“I’m a bitter biting bittern bitten back”

What noise annoys a noisy oyster?
Any noise annoys a noisy oyster,
but a noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most!

We need a plan to fan a pan; find a pan to fan, then find a fan to fan the pan, then fan the pan.
Some Korean students find difficult to pronounce difference between 'f' and 'p'

How many snacks could a snack stacker stack,
if a snack stacker snacked stacked snacks?

Freddy is ready to roast red roaches.
Ready for Freddy's roasted red roaches?

Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washer-woman went west?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Yourself Envy This :p

I'm falling in love with SKULLY!!! (yeaay) Thanks God,
My lovely moom support me to collect the Skull things.
Skull is an unique item, and that's why I like skull things very much.
I really enjoy to collect them, although it makes me destitute :( haha
Here they are, not much but I HEART THEM soo!

by Phoebe and Chloe

Gift from my uncle - S'pore

bought by my-self

From my coolest aunty!

from My Moom's Friend

Really surprised when I saw this at my desk in the morning. (from beautiful woman in the wolrd : MOOM!)

There're other skulls in my collection actually

That's my baby! :D